Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport
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Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport (also known as Winnipeg International Airport or simply Winnipeg Airport) (IATA: YWG, ICAO: CYWG) is an international airport in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. It is the eighth busiest airport in Canada by passenger traffic, serving 3.4 million passengers in 2011, and the 9th busiest airport by aircraft movements. It is a hub for passenger airlines Calm Air and Perimeter Airlines, and cargo airline Cargojet.
An important transportation hub for the province of Manitoba, Winnipeg International Airport is the only commercial international airport within the province as the other airports of entry serve domestic flights and general aviation only. The airport is operated by the Winnipeg Airport Authority as part of Transport Canada's National Airports System and is one of eight Canadian airports that has US Border Pre-clearance facilities. The airport is co-located with CFB Winnipeg, and its primary lodger unit is 17 Wing. The base is home to 402 "City of Winnipeg" Squadron, 435 "Chinthe" Transport and Rescue Squadron and the Yellowknife based 440 "Vampire" Transport & Rescue Squadron.
Winnipeg's relatively isolated geographical location in relation to other major population centres makes Winnipeg International Airport the primary international airport for a very large area. As such, it is used as a gateway to the entire Province of Manitoba and large parts of neighbouring Provinces and Territories. Daily non-stop flights are operated from Winnipeg International Airport to major cities across Canada, the USA, the Caribbean, and Mexico. In addition, regularly scheduled flights to numerous small remote communities in the northern regions of Canada, specifically Northern Manitoba, Northwestern Ontario, and Nunavut, are also served from the airport.
Wiki: en:Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airportuk:Міжнародний аеропорт імені Джеймса Армстронга Річардсона (Вінніпег)de:Flughafen Winnipeges:Aeropuerto Internacional James Armstrong Richardson
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