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Dulan County is located in the Qaidamu Basin, total area of 53,000 square kilometres, the total population of 53,300 people. It is one of the main agricultural areas of Qinghai province
Dulan (Qagan Us) 62,7 км на юг от Jiayuguan Air Base - описание, координаты, фотографии, отзывы и возможность найти это место в Цинхае (Китай (КНР)). Узнайте где находится, как добраться, посмотрите что интересного вокруг. Ознакомьтесь с другими местами на нашей интерактивной карте, получите более подробную информацию. Познайте мир лучше.
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13.03.2025 21:11:32 * off - esd-
13.03.2025 21:11:32
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карта Jiayuguan Air Base(62,7 км) карта Jiuquan(71,2 км) карта Tosontsengel Airport(197,8 км) карта Uliastai Zavkhan(217,9 км) карта Кунгуртуга(225,3 км) карта Altai Altaj(247,9 км) карта Zhangye(264,6 км) карта Тарят(282,3 км) карта Liuyuan(296,5 км)
Meili Snow Mountain (Meili Xueshan), also called Kawakarpo, is a UNESCO nature site located in Deqin County dividing Yunnan from Tibet, rising between the Salween River and the Mekong River in the extreme edge of Northwest Yunnan, the Meili Snow Mt. region is part of Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas. Legend says that the Meili Snow Mountain is a god guarding Tibetan Buddhism. With 13 peaks over 6000m in the range, the main peak Kawakarpo ("Kagebo" in Chinese) is a sharp snow mountain with an altitude of 6740m,which has never been conquered yet.
Agreed that it is a military facility. This entire area seems to have a heavy military presence. However, I do not see the aircraft as stated in the previous commentary. Another argument against an airfield is the number of obstacles across this area. Specifically, power lines/power poles that cross the entire site at odd angles. The distances and angles would allow only for very short take-off and landing. If indeed there are heavy transport aircraft, they would need a very much greater runway than as shown between the obstacles. Additionally, The tracks left by the vehicles in the area are not tracks from taxiing aircraft, they are the tracks of heavy wheeled and tracked vehicles.Anyone else? If we get enough eyes on this thing, we can figure it out and get good-paying jobs at NSA or CIA as satphoto analysts. Big money. Clean labs. Yup!
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