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Rawak is the ruins of an ancient magnificent Buddhist stupa, about 60 km northeast of central Hotan in southern Xinjiang, China.
Stupa = "a funerary monument in the shape of a dome or pyramid, containing a relic of a Buddha or some other objects of veneration; a meditation support symbolizing the formless body of the Buddha and the essential structure of the cosmos."
The 9-meter eroded stupa is all that is visible in what was likely a Buddhist temple complex. It was built in the third or fourth century C.E. when the Kingdom of Khotan was a leading center of Buddhist learning. It was was abandoned by the fourth to seventh century, likely due to climate change and a decrease in trade along the Silk Road between the Han dynasty and Tang dynasty in China. Explorer Christoph Baumer, in his book "Southern Silk Road," calls it "one of the most remarkable constructions of ... and the best preserved Buddhist sanctuary on the Southern Silk Road."
Explorer M. Aurel Stein unearthed nearly a hundred stucco statues here. These have, unfortunately, all been destroyed by being exposed to the air or by later treasure hunters seeking possible gold or jewels inside. Based on the statues found, it seems there were originally almost 500 larger-than-life-size Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the temple.
See photographs of the sculptures found on Rawak, which were destroyed by treasure hunters since the discovery, here, in figures 3.64a and 3.64b in Early Buddhist Art of China and Central Asia:
Rawak Stupa, near Hotan 33,8 км на северо-восток от Хотана - описание, координаты, фотографии, отзывы и возможность найти это место в Синьцзян-уйгурском автономном районе (Китай (КНР)). Узнайте где находится, как добраться, посмотрите что интересного вокруг. Ознакомьтесь с другими местами на нашей интерактивной карте, получите более подробную информацию. Познайте мир лучше.
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29.01.2025 22:43:51 * off - esd-
29.01.2025 22:43:51
когда-то давно allgaiarip:5qooh4hd0
Dont mark a great area for a single point!(that is not visiblein the tagged area) THIS marking is a great desinformation!
14 мая 2024 Тут бы васяip:c8jht4p0
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карта Хотана(33,8 км) карта Акса(73,2 км) карта Aksu Wensu Air Base(75,1 км) карта Жаркента(133,4 км) карта Sarkand(158,7 км) карта Актогающего(195,5 км) карта Аягуза(201,5 км) карта Лакхнау(206,5 км) карта Tekes Uyghuristan(209,5 км)
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Dont mark a great area for a single point!(that is not visiblein the tagged area) THIS marking is a great desinformation!