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Tintoi в Гуджарате (Индия), описание и карта связанные воедино. Ведь Мы - места на карте мира. Узнайте шире, найдите больше. Находится 38,5 км на север от vejalpur -. Найдите интересные места вокруг, с фотографиями и отзывами. Ознакомьтесь на нашей интерактивной карте с местами вокруг, получите более подробную информацию, узнайте мир лучше.
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23.11.2024 11:13:19 * off - esd-
23.11.2024 11:13:19
когда-то давно Dhiren Thakerip:5qooh4hd0
Where r u ?
Contact me at dhiren.thaker@gmail.com
Dhiren Thaker
когда-то давно BODIip:5qooh4hd0
когда-то давно Dhiren Thakerip:5qooh4hd0
Kaushal Bodi.....Su khabar che bhai..?
когда-то давно MILAN YOGESHBHAI PATELip:5qooh4hd0
когда-то давно Bhupendraip:5qooh4hd0
Tintoi is my birth place I spent all my school time vacation at Tintoi, its very glad for me to read all those nice comments about our native. I also used to roam in that forest with my cousins and my granny for the grass and timber....and how can I forget my all time favorite desi-dish(makai no rotlo ane kadhi).
bhupendradotpandyaatgmail........if you want to reach me
когда-то давно Vashishtaip:5qooh4hd0
Hello All Tintoiwala unknown Friends,
I am Dilip Bhandari- again tintoiwala.
I have a dream for our village. I will describe it here, if we all get to gather it can starta new trend of beutification in our village.
My plan is simple.(1) Let us beutify two talaos of Tintoi. clean them, make good surrounding and some seating arrangement.The water in these two talaos now remains all the year since last two years.We can enrole volanteres from our village, can try to get some help from government / NGOs etc.In short it can become Chowpatti or Kankaria of Tintoi. We can plant trees, flowers etc arround these talaos.
I will be happy to receive your comments etc.
Await your responce enxiously.
With Best Wishes
Dilip Bhandari
когда-то давно JAYESH SHAH BHUTADAip:5qooh4hd0
The village of joy TINTOI
когда-то давно Dhiren Thakerip:5qooh4hd0
Where r u ?
Contact me at dhiren.thaker@gmail.com
Dhiren Thaker
когда-то давно Vashishtaip:5qooh4hd0
Hello All Tintoiwala unknown Friends,
I am Dilip Bhandari- again tintoiwala.
I have a dream for our village. I will describe it here, if we all get to gather it can starta new trend of beutification in our village.
My plan is simple.(1) Let us beutify two talaos of Tintoi. clean them, make good surrounding and some seating arrangement.The water in these two talaos now remains all the year since last two years.We can enrole volanteres from our village, can try to get some help from government / NGOs etc.In short it can become Chowpatti or Kankaria of Tintoi. We can plant trees, flowers etc arround these talaos.
I will be happy to receive your comments etc.
Await your responce enxiously.
With Best Wishes
Dilip Bhandari
когда-то давно snehal vyasip:5qooh4hd0
hi; whats up tintoi,
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Карты поблизости
карта virpur(20,2 км) карта THASRA(29,9 км) карта Lunawada(33,6 км) карта Kalol(34,3 км) карта Dakor(34,8 км) карта Kapadvanj Dist Kheda(36,6 км) карта Halol(36,9 км) карта Khedbrahma(37,4 км) карта vejalpur -(38,5 км)
Modasa is great place..Place of One of the finest Educational institutes & place of heritage importance. Unfortunately there is no history written of Moghul & English Statehod.A great Trade Centre.
i love my village
i was spend my childhood time at bhiloda
i was seen first move in krishna cenema
i alwase go to swimming at hathamati river
i love my both school primer and nra vidyalaya
my best wishes to all peopel of bhiloda
kb patel
my name is viral i am living in baroda & my family is living in rahiyolkampa near shika
Соседи покажут где что находится, как туда проехать, расскажут о достопримечательностях вокруг. Данный сайт свободно наполняется обычными людьми и Вы тоже можете принять участие в этом. Мы вместе создаем и дополняем нашу общую карту.
Where r u ?
Contact me at dhiren.thaker@gmail.com
Dhiren Thaker
Tintoi is my birth place I spent all my school time vacation at Tintoi, its very glad for me to read all those nice comments about our native. I also used to roam in that forest with my cousins and my granny for the grass and timber....and how can I forget my all time favorite desi-dish(makai no rotlo ane kadhi).
bhupendradotpandyaatgmail........if you want to reach me
Hello All Tintoiwala unknown Friends,
I am Dilip Bhandari- again tintoiwala.
I have a dream for our village. I will describe it here, if we all get to gather it can starta new trend of beutification in our village.
My plan is simple.(1) Let us beutify two talaos of Tintoi. clean them, make good surrounding and some seating arrangement.The water in these two talaos now remains all the year since last two years.We can enrole volanteres from our village, can try to get some help from government / NGOs etc.In short it can become Chowpatti or Kankaria of Tintoi. We can plant trees, flowers etc arround these talaos.
I will be happy to receive your comments etc.
Await your responce enxiously.
With Best Wishes
Dilip Bhandari
Where r u ?
Contact me at dhiren.thaker@gmail.com
Dhiren Thaker
Hello All Tintoiwala unknown Friends,
I am Dilip Bhandari- again tintoiwala.
I have a dream for our village. I will describe it here, if we all get to gather it can starta new trend of beutification in our village.
My plan is simple.(1) Let us beutify two talaos of Tintoi. clean them, make good surrounding and some seating arrangement.The water in these two talaos now remains all the year since last two years.We can enrole volanteres from our village, can try to get some help from government / NGOs etc.In short it can become Chowpatti or Kankaria of Tintoi. We can plant trees, flowers etc arround these talaos.
I will be happy to receive your comments etc.
Await your responce enxiously.
With Best Wishes
Dilip Bhandari