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Old Ahmedabad в Гуджарате (Индия), описание и карта связанные воедино. Ведь Мы - места на карте мира. Узнайте шире, найдите больше. Найдите интересные места вокруг, с фотографиями и отзывами. Ознакомьтесь на нашей интерактивной карте с местами вокруг, получите более подробную информацию, узнайте мир лучше.
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29.01.2025 21:41:28 * off - esd-
29.01.2025 21:41:28
когда-то давно arifshaikhip:5qooh4hd0
old ahmedabad is gold ahmedabad
когда-то давно Salman.ip:5qooh4hd0
Old ahmedabad is beautiful.
когда-то давно munavvarhusen vhoraip:5qooh4hd0
hazarat pirmohammadshah was a great aulia in ahemadaba iam a murid
to hazaratshah pirmohammadshah.
когда-то давно Muzaffarip:5qooh4hd0
Hazrat Pir Mohammad Shah is great saint.
It is located at Panlornaka area.
The library in this is campus is very nice worth watching and having thousands of ancient books
когда-то давно thesisbindingip:5qooh4hd0
milo na bungra thi shopping malls sudhi nu maru pyaru " gandughelu " amdavad
oh ahmedabad....i luv u......
когда-то давно ankit7788ip:5qooh4hd0
ahmedabad is the best
когда-то давно Ghanshyamraoip:5qooh4hd0
some people of residing inside the gate of Ahmedabad, dirty deliberately. like communal riots, stabbing and horror terror etc. I earnestly request you to not to do like this and enjoy the real life of old Ahmedabad.
когда-то давно Mufeezip:5qooh4hd0
Old Ahmedabad is the best place in whole Ahmedabad
когда-то давно umangip:5qooh4hd0
my ahmedabad city is the best in gujarat.
когда-то давно Sahil Rip:5qooh4hd0
ahmedabad is not real ahmedabad now karnavati change of ahmedabad
and karnavati not ahmedabad because kanravati not important in history only live people but not progress in thise year real karnavati devlopment of king ahmedshah so no problem of ahmedabad city name
когда-то давно rajip:5qooh4hd0
hi all ahmedabad is my birth city. i love ahmedabad....in USA i always dreaming abt my city ahmedabad. i like to hang out kankaria lake, municipal market, my college HLCC area, Guj Uni, Eating place like Manekchawk, city area like Raipur and khadia etc. attracts my dreams.
когда-то давно aslam puthawalaip:5qooh4hd0
Assalam.. Hello Ahmedabad,
I am here from Delhi, working on Delhi Map.
I love my city Ahmedabad
I love my fiancee Uzma
когда-то давно junedip:5qooh4hd0
ahmedabad is smal but heartly very biggest city.
когда-то давно VISHAL 9898950239ip:5qooh4hd0
когда-то давно Bijoyip:5qooh4hd0
Actually the Old City of Ahmedabad was built in 1411 by Ahmed Shah
когда-то давно rahulip:5qooh4hd0
some thing about pol architecture
Three hundred years after it was founded, the city got a unique architectural feature - Pols - which can still be seen in many parts of old Ahmedabad.
A Pol is a small residential unit consisting of a single street with a group of houses, which is usually protected by a massive gate at the entrance. When the gate is closed, the entire street becomes one big house often inhabited by people of the same trade or even by relatives.
A compact housing cluster with dead-end streets forms a distinctive residential pattern within a Pol. In earlier days, the Pols were self-sustaining for a certain period of time since each house had its own underground storage for water, and food grains were stored in the safest part of the house. At times, two different Pols opened for ventilation at the same point and they also had a common service bay for drainage, water supply and garbage collection.
These Pols formed a kind of micro-neighborhood, which developed further as population density increased in the city.
But in 1714, when communal riots broke out, these Pols also acquired a religious identity. After the riots, Ahmedabad's population sought greater security by living together in closely associated groups within the Pols. Whereas earlier, religious segregation occurred naturally because of occupations, this was the first time that a conscious attempt was made by religious communities to live together, to seek security in numbers.
In recent times, it has been the Pols that have taken on a distinct communal character. This primarily has to do with the fact that invariably people from the same trade also follow the same religion. For instance, those in the business of clarified butter are Hindus and moneylenders are Muslims.
In such a scenario, the Pols, which were meant to enhance community living as well as provide security to the occupants, have proved to be fatal for many victims of communal riots. For instance, the small back service streets (called Chhini) ended up being literal dead-ends during the riots of 1969 and 1992.
Moreover, thanks to the structure of the Pols it is easy to throw a plastic bottle full of petrol or even a 'kakra' - a crude missile made out of rolling a cloth ball with pieces of metal dipped in petrol and then lit - from one Pol area into another. Not only do such home made weapons inflict maximum damage because of the density of the population, it is impossible for the police to trace the people who indulge in these violent activities.
Hence, even though the Pol and Chhini were architecturally useful structures, they now play a significant role in fanning communal violence in the city.
The proximity of the houses brings another critical issue to the fore - the central courtyard is vulnerable to attack from all the sides, both in Muslim dominated areas like Jamalpur and Hindu dominated areas like Khadia, where communal riots have broken out in recent times.
когда-то давно daxesh shahip:5qooh4hd0
amdavad is not a city but it is an Ideology of living with fire.
когда-то давно Arpanip:5qooh4hd0
if old amdavad would not there then
there will not amdavad which is today
когда-то давно Mohsinip:5qooh4hd0
Ahmedabad.....One Of the Cul City Of IndiA.....
MY birth place.......actually my whole familys Birth place.........
Keep Rocking Ahmedabad.....I LOVe UUUUUUUUUUU.........[:p]
когда-то давно piyuship:5qooh4hd0
hi ahmedabad . i love ahmedabad but unfortunately i am in uk. i am miss my ahmedabad very much.
когда-то давно kalaip:5qooh4hd0
hi................i love a'bad.........
когда-то давно punit patel from umrethip:5qooh4hd0
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Карты других мегаполисов
карта Vadodara(63,6 км) карта Surat(64,6 км) карта Мумбаев(130 км) карта Thane(130,9 км) карта Dombivli(135,7 км) карта Нашика(151,6 км) карта Пуны(190,1 км) карта Rajkot(208,1 км)
Соседи покажут где что находится, как туда проехать, расскажут о достопримечательностях вокруг. Данный сайт свободно наполняется обычными людьми и Вы тоже можете принять участие в этом. Мы вместе создаем и дополняем нашу общую карту.
old ahmedabad is gold ahmedabad
Old ahmedabad is beautiful.
hazarat pirmohammadshah was a great aulia in ahemadaba iam a murid
to hazaratshah pirmohammadshah.
Hazrat Pir Mohammad Shah is great saint.
It is located at Panlornaka area.
The library in this is campus is very nice worth watching and having thousands of ancient books
milo na bungra thi shopping malls sudhi nu maru pyaru " gandughelu " amdavad
oh ahmedabad....i luv u......
my ahmedabad city is the best in gujarat.
ahmedabad is not real ahmedabad now karnavati change of ahmedabad
and karnavati not ahmedabad because kanravati not important in history only live people but not progress in thise year real karnavati devlopment of king ahmedshah so no problem of ahmedabad city name
Assalam.. Hello Ahmedabad,
I am here from Delhi, working on Delhi Map.
I love my city Ahmedabad
I love my fiancee Uzma
ahmedabad is smal but heartly very biggest city.
some thing about pol architecture
Three hundred years after it was founded, the city got a unique architectural feature - Pols - which can still be seen in many parts of old Ahmedabad.
A Pol is a small residential unit consisting of a single street with a group of houses, which is usually protected by a massive gate at the entrance. When the gate is closed, the entire street becomes one big house often inhabited by people of the same trade or even by relatives.
A compact housing cluster with dead-end streets forms a distinctive residential pattern within a Pol. In earlier days, the Pols were self-sustaining for a certain period of time since each house had its own underground storage for water, and food grains were stored in the safest part of the house. At times, two different Pols opened for ventilation at the same point and they also had a common service bay for drainage, water supply and garbage collection.
These Pols formed a kind of micro-neighborhood, which developed further as population density increased in the city.
But in 1714, when communal riots broke out, these Pols also acquired a religious identity. After the riots, Ahmedabad's population sought greater security by living together in closely associated groups within the Pols. Whereas earlier, religious segregation occurred naturally because of occupations, this was the first time that a conscious attempt was made by religious communities to live together, to seek security in numbers.
In recent times, it has been the Pols that have taken on a distinct communal character. This primarily has to do with the fact that invariably people from the same trade also follow the same religion. For instance, those in the business of clarified butter are Hindus and moneylenders are Muslims.
In such a scenario, the Pols, which were meant to enhance community living as well as provide security to the occupants, have proved to be fatal for many victims of communal riots. For instance, the small back service streets (called Chhini) ended up being literal dead-ends during the riots of 1969 and 1992.
Moreover, thanks to the structure of the Pols it is easy to throw a plastic bottle full of petrol or even a 'kakra' - a crude missile made out of rolling a cloth ball with pieces of metal dipped in petrol and then lit - from one Pol area into another. Not only do such home made weapons inflict maximum damage because of the density of the population, it is impossible for the police to trace the people who indulge in these violent activities.
Hence, even though the Pol and Chhini were architecturally useful structures, they now play a significant role in fanning communal violence in the city.
The proximity of the houses brings another critical issue to the fore - the central courtyard is vulnerable to attack from all the sides, both in Muslim dominated areas like Jamalpur and Hindu dominated areas like Khadia, where communal riots have broken out in recent times.
if old amdavad would not there then
there will not amdavad which is today
Ahmedabad.....One Of the Cul City Of IndiA.....
MY birth place.......actually my whole familys Birth place.........
Keep Rocking Ahmedabad.....I LOVe UUUUUUUUUUU.........[:p]
hi................i love a'bad.........