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Atul's waste dump on Par river 12 км на юг от Bilimora - описание, координаты, фотографии, отзывы и возможность найти это место в Гуджарате (Индия). Узнайте где находится, как добраться, посмотрите что интересного вокруг. Ознакомьтесь с другими местами на нашей интерактивной карте, получите более подробную информацию. Познайте мир лучше.
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04.02.2025 06:06:56 * off - esd-
04.02.2025 06:06:56
когда-то давно Adi Alurkarip:5qooh4hd0
If this is really what I think it is... yuck.. a wonderful gift of pollution from Humanity to Nature!!
когда-то давно Atul residentip:5qooh4hd0
U have got it wrong....The company is not dumping chemicals to make the water look black. The closure of the river for the dam work has made black soil rise to the surface to give its color...trust me, i'm in atul
когда-то давно A Resident Valsad.ip:5qooh4hd0
YA it is true that Atul is proven polluter.... environmental track record of this company is very bad they are showing the trees as environment but they are polluting the river and coastal belt too much they throw colouful acid water in river directly and throw waste in to the creek so fish kills. every time fish killing takes place and authority is puppet of atul.. Atul's guest house is free and open 24 hours for corrupt officials... ask any one for this...this is very famous...........
когда-то давно Witnessip:5qooh4hd0
Atul industries is the biggest polluter. I would like to ask the above writer, if he thinks water is so clean and Atul is in harmony etc... why doesn't he pump the water from the output of Atul plants to his own home? All the talk about clean environment in Atul is nothing but a pack of lies. You cannot fool the satellite imagery. Anyone who's been to the Par river delta has had the filthy smell of pollution and toxic chemicals. Even drinking a sip of water coming from Par river to the sea is like taking poison. All the hype about manmade forest/bird sanctuary is fooling because it is limited to such a small area, hardly any impact to environment compared to hundreds of tonnes of pollution thrown into the river here. Why doesn't Atul dare to build a fish sanctuary right on the middle of the Par river where it is throwing all the garbage into it shamelessly. Lalbhai group is blood sucking enterprise, It runs like a mafia house thriving on black money, Outside of home they would loot and kill people but inside the home he is like a great philanthropist. who is fooling whom? Why has the mosquitoes multiplied in and around Atul? it is simply because of the pollution, there are no fish/aquatic life left to eat the mosquitoes eggs that breed on the river water. The entire environment around the Par river belt has been destroyed. Witness the multiplication of cancer patients and health problems unheard of before among those whose live in this taluka. It is a different matter when you earn money by your own credentials and with honesty and hardwork. But when companies like Atul that make money based on throwing free garbage onto the fresh water rivers (that not found even in the gutters of the developed countries), or killing the Mother nature like the fruit producing trees & clean water, or selling the lives of people, then the Lalbhai group is no different from a thug goonda who smiles at you like the Prem Chopra villan in the movies. If there is any hope left for this region, then the disposal of waste should be stopped, and let the native Hindus who have lived here for centuries get a sigh of relief.
когда-то давно nriip:5qooh4hd0
To the "Atul resident" - seeing is believing... i m seeing red colored water? (go right upstream towards atul industry) what's up with that? Every other place the water seems blue(dark blue if its polluted) but RED? that is clearly color/chemical disposed in to the sea
когда-то давно Bindhastip:5qooh4hd0
Jai Hind,
It is time for Indians,particularly Gujarati's to wake up.We all ,who work or does not work,but connected directly or indirectly to the chemical industry,know that Gujarat is dumping ground for worlds chemical poison.We close our eye to this,close our eyes and dump the poison out of our house,but do not know that you,your family,your relations and future generation is going to enjoy this poison for years to come.
Please raise the issu at home,village,district and state level and STOP POISIONIG OURSELVES for short time gain.You are sacrficing your family for this short gain.You are paying with your life without knowing.Please wake.
There are more ATULS out there.
Jai hind.
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карта Valsad(4,3 км) карта Vapi(5,3 км) карта Дамана и Диу(5,8 км) карта Bilimora(12 км) карта Silvassa(13,8 км) карта Jamalpor village by janak patel(14,9 км) карта Gandevi(16,2 км) карта Surat(23,9 км) карта Dahanu Road Dahanu(24,4 км)
Dear users around the worldIt is against the rules fo this website to mark you houses/ homes or ghars, this is considered spam, this will be promptly deletedthank you for your understanding
hi this is beautiful place frm my point of view.....u can enoying lot in that village....it's jannat or me
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Jai Hind,
It is time for Indians,particularly Gujarati's to wake up.We all ,who work or does not work,but connected directly or indirectly to the chemical industry,know that Gujarat is dumping ground for worlds chemical poison.We close our eye to this,close our eyes and dump the poison out of our house,but do not know that you,your family,your relations and future generation is going to enjoy this poison for years to come.
Please raise the issu at home,village,district and state level and STOP POISIONIG OURSELVES for short time gain.You are sacrficing your family for this short gain.You are paying with your life without knowing.Please wake.
There are more ATULS out there.
Jai hind.