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Bhayavadar Town, Dist:rajkot 23,3 км на северо-запад от Junagadh - описание, координаты, фотографии, отзывы и возможность найти это место в Гуджарате (Индия). Узнайте где находится, как добраться, посмотрите что интересного вокруг. Ознакомьтесь с другими местами на нашей интерактивной карте, получите более подробную информацию. Познайте мир лучше.
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14.03.2025 20:52:13 * off - esd-
14.03.2025 20:52:13
когда-то давно ankur javia/ankurbhalodiaip:5qooh4hd0
hi, bhayavadar vasiyo!!!
kem chho, maja ma ne??
at this time i am in bardoli, and i miss my bhayavadar very much...., and specially my "GATHIYA"...
когда-то давно Nilesh Patel&Sweta Ramaniip:5qooh4hd0
Bhayavadar is famous for Gathiya , i love bhayavadar's Gathiya
I miss!!!!
From Nilesh and sweta, Newyork --Long Island
когда-то давно Shirin Kansagaraip:5qooh4hd0
Bhayavadar is a place famous for GATHIYA, and is the big town of KADAVA PATIDAR community. My native id Bhayavadar and i think that if the heaven of the earth is BHAYAVADAR.my mail :shirin_smit@rediffmail.com
когда-то давно jaydeep makadiaip:5qooh4hd0
hello, everybuddy right time i m in ahmedabad & i m studying B.B.A in ahmedabad. but i miss the bhayavadar specially bhayavadar's gathiya.in bhayavadar i like most their places are khodiyar temple,moj dem,pragteshwar temple & most beautifully its atmosphere.
когда-то давно PRAVIN RAMANIip:5qooh4hd0
Hello,everybody. I stay in rajkot since 1975, I love my BHAYAVADAR, because my village is clean than other village,& also famous for Ganthiya,Onion,Shoes & lovly people.I love my birth place.I will not forget it.
когда-то давно jasminamrutiaip:5qooh4hd0
hi,my name is jasmin i study in pune(m.c.a.)i like my home specialy for gathiya,mell in khodiyar tample and madhur ice cream i like so much,i miss very much.
когда-то давно Tushar Bhalodiaip:5qooh4hd0
hi how r u bhayavadar vasiyo i am at ahmedabad i am really miss my native place and my many friends And specially missed a "GANTHIA" And "DABELI" Of bhayavadar
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карта Upleta from moradiya ankit(4,3 км) карта MANAVADAR -gujarat(18,8 км) карта Kalawad Village(19,6 км) карта Keshod(20,9 км) карта Dhoraji ghar ni dhoraji(21,4 км) карта Junagadh(23,3 км) карта BANTVA(23,8 км) карта kutiyana taluka(30,9 км)
I am emotionally attached to this place. During my childhood days, every two years my family used to visit this place from far away ORISSA, since it was our ancestral place even though we had abandoned it five generations ago. Upleta is indeed a beautiful town as I refresh it from my childhood memory despite the fact that I have not been here for over fifteen years. I still remember the beautiful steam train journey from Rajkot to Upleta and then horse driven carriage carrying us to our grandma in the town.
I am still searching for an answer, how and when my ancestors (Memons from either Sindh or Kutch) settled into this place. If anybody has an answer then I would definitely be glad to hear from them.
Salim bhodgamda
One of the beautiful place in middle of Saurashtra, Gujarat.
Osham hill located at Patahwav. (Rajkot to Patanvav 120km}
This Place is Gujarat Tourisam Place.
<Holy Aum Shape Hill When View on Top>
1. A beautiful Matrimata temple
2. A Famous Shivji temple (Tepkeswer)<104years old>
3. Siddhchakra Jain temple
4. Bhim no Kotho, Thari, Theri
5. Hidemba no Hecheko
6. View Matrimataji Lake
this an hiastoric place contain 26 shiv mandir and havining ganesh murti which is historical i also has shiv lign which establish by pandvas duing there vanvas it has jain cave which ASI. these is casptial of vala rajputs which is headed by shivrajsinhji today
Соседи покажут где что находится, как туда проехать, расскажут о достопримечательностях вокруг. Данный сайт свободно наполняется обычными людьми и Вы тоже можете принять участие в этом. Мы вместе создаем и дополняем нашу общую карту.
hi, bhayavadar vasiyo!!!
kem chho, maja ma ne??
at this time i am in bardoli, and i miss my bhayavadar very much...., and specially my "GATHIYA"...
Bhayavadar is famous for Gathiya , i love bhayavadar's Gathiya
I miss!!!!
From Nilesh and sweta, Newyork --Long Island