Future Bridge(Piram Bridge) that will join the South Gujrat and Saurashtra length 25.8km 15.4miles by ankit p moradia
Future Bridge (Piram Bridge) 40,1 км на северо-запад от Surat - описание, координаты, фотографии, отзывы и возможность найти это место в Гуджарате (Индия). Узнайте где находится, как добраться, посмотрите что интересного вокруг. Ознакомьтесь с другими местами на нашей интерактивной карте, получите более подробную информацию. Познайте мир лучше.
well this bridge will be very helpful in the progress of Bhavnagar city and the people can go easily to South gujarat within short time and come back also....but it is the goodness of the politics that still the construction of the bridge and development of the city is not started yet.....
когда-то давно S.Vilasip:5qooh4hd0
Mera Bharat Mahan
когда-то давно dasdasdasip:5qooh4hd0
please start the construction of this bridge as early as possible
когда-то давно gully2000gmail.comip:5qooh4hd0
this is the oppetunity n measure capabilities of gujrat to do something big in front of the world n writing new growth stories of gujrat n india
когда-то давно Manoj Mistryip:5qooh4hd0
Not only fuel saving...but it will help in trapping sweet water from many rivers like Mahi, Sabarmati..Which can solve the problem of potable water...and irrigation..
It can help in producing electricity using TIDAL power...
Location and Length does not match with Kalpasar Project..
Dam length is proposed to be 64KM
It should enclose Narmada also where as this marking is upstream to Narmada!
когда-то давно Kailaship:5qooh4hd0
IF project could be completed at earliest. 2018 is very long period.
когда-то давно Vishnuip:5qooh4hd0
The bridge should be built at the earliest.It does not take a long time to build a 25km bridge in sea. The world alrwady has such bridges, under sea railways, etc. So Jago India Jago.
когда-то давно Shaikhip:5qooh4hd0
As an NRI Hansoti, I fully endorse this project subject to the findings of a comprehensive environmental study. Let us show the world our historic traditions of innovative mercantilism and tolerance, instead of the self-defeating & ultimately futile ignorant Nazi-style pogroms.
когда-то давно Daniel Reubenip:5qooh4hd0
Congratulations Laloo, this link was needed, go ahead with your plannings.
A bit of a modification in your plan, if you think it is right.
Instead of a bridge, think of a wall, sort of under water dam, so broad that it will accomodate 2 rail lines and 6 lane motor way.
Reason: very near future trafic will be so much one may not be able to control it. So provide and spend keeping future in mind.
Wall will stop all eroded soil from going in to sea. In future this will fill up land will be created for future nedd for food.
Shift your project to more south to enclose river Tapi, which brings more soil from inland.
Recovery will be through fees and sale of reclamed land.
You may not loose pearl production if all wild life there is re locketed else where.
Need help? put my name to gether in second script add 311 to it and send it to yaho dot com
I am from Israel
когда-то давно Naran & Bhagwanip:5qooh4hd0
jaldi banao to maja aavi jay.
когда-то давно chandu bhupatip:5qooh4hd0
Ii should be complete within time period .Political game should not started on it
когда-то давно sheikhip:5qooh4hd0
if bridge or dame will build, gujrat getting a huge lake (sarovar), rain water can not enter in the sea its very useful for the Bhavnagar to surat(nearest area from the sea), it can make tourist area, big and large total 254 revers ends in this area, new bisness will be increas, most of traffic problem will be solve. total eight years passed when i got information about to make bridge on the sea. daily morning i getup and think that today it will be start to make bridge. but end of evining my dream break down. (intazar hai kisi nayak ka jo badal de puri surat gujrat ki through this bridge.)
когда-то давно vasudev kondaip:5qooh4hd0
really fantastic one. with realm of dreams of productive, in nature. why not be done at the earliest. when we talk of nuke deal that much contentive, why should we not take the issue at the same pace. the idea of road is better than the idea of bridge. 'cos road serves many purposes over single service of bridge.
salute to my mother land.
vasudev konda valsad.
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Mera Bharat Mahan
Not only fuel saving...but it will help in trapping sweet water from many rivers like Mahi, Sabarmati..Which can solve the problem of potable water...and irrigation..
It can help in producing electricity using TIDAL power...
Project Kalpasar..
Location and Length does not match with Kalpasar Project..
Dam length is proposed to be 64KM
It should enclose Narmada also where as this marking is upstream to Narmada!
Congratulations Laloo, this link was needed, go ahead with your plannings.
A bit of a modification in your plan, if you think it is right.
Instead of a bridge, think of a wall, sort of under water dam, so broad that it will accomodate 2 rail lines and 6 lane motor way.
Reason: very near future trafic will be so much one may not be able to control it. So provide and spend keeping future in mind.
Wall will stop all eroded soil from going in to sea. In future this will fill up land will be created for future nedd for food.
Shift your project to more south to enclose river Tapi, which brings more soil from inland.
Recovery will be through fees and sale of reclamed land.
You may not loose pearl production if all wild life there is re locketed else where.
Need help? put my name to gether in second script add 311 to it and send it to yaho dot com
I am from Israel
really fantastic one. with realm of dreams of productive, in nature. why not be done at the earliest. when we talk of nuke deal that much contentive, why should we not take the issue at the same pace. the idea of road is better than the idea of bridge. 'cos road serves many purposes over single service of bridge.
salute to my mother land.
vasudev konda valsad.