Navsari Agricultural University (
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Commencing with a college of agriculture established in 1965 on a sprawling farm land of 400 hectares located on the historic road of Dandi March around 3 km from Navsari railway station and 8 km from the National Highway No. 8, the Navsari campus gained the status of a separate agricultural university with effect from May 1, 2004. The university caters to the needs of the farmers of the plantation crops in the heartland of Gujarat; the Kanam zone of cotton, sorghum and pigeon pea and hill millets of tribal belt. Besides the above, this area is also well known for its forest tree species like teak, Khair, Kalam and bamboo. To provide technological backup for the agricultural development in its domain (Map of Districts Covered) the Navsari Agricultural University has three fully developed faculties of agriculture, horticulture and forestry, 2 Zonal Research Stations (Navsari and Bharuch), three main crop based research station (cotton, sorghum and mango), 3 regional research station (Waghai, Vyara and Gandevi) and 6 verification/testing centers. The extension component includes two Krushi Vigyan Kendras (Waghai and Vyara), one Sardar Smruti Kendra (Navsari), and a T & V scheme. This university also offers vocational courses in horticulture at Navsari, home science at Vyara, agriculture at Waghai and Bharuch as well as Livestock Management, Bakery and Mali and extension education trainings at Navsari.
Higher education in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Basic science and allied sciences.
To provide technological solutions to the problems ailing agriculture through development of new technology.
To produce high quality seed and planting material for important crops of the region.
Human Resource Development through Vocational training.
Front line extension.
To transform the Navsari Agricultural University into a vibrant organization to make agriculture a remunerative, productive, sustainable, stable and equitable occupation through improved education and technological improvisation in order to bring prosperity in its domain.
Wiki: en:Navsari Agricultural University
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