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Narnala Fort Most famous fort For it's Security & Hardness at the time of Mughal Empire.
Narnala is situated in Melghat at attitude 21 10 North and 77° 00 East. It is 66km. North from Akola. Narnala is 3161 feet from MSL . Fort was built scientifically considering natural interference like rain winded. Narnala alias Shahanur Fort consists of three small forts namely Zafrabad, Narnala and Teliagarh. Narnala is on one hour walling distance from Shahanur, 24km from Akot (Akola). Now, there is a road from Akot via Popatkhed for vehicles.
This is historically very famous fort which is very deep and with dense forest land situated on the hills of Satpuda i.e. at the hilly side of the Melghat. (Narnala is at 24km from Akot and 66km from Akola on North). Nowaday's we can reach to fort by vehicle.
There is confusion about the consturction of Narnala fort. The historian finished have said that-Nineth Badshah Shahabudeen Ahmadhaha Wali.(1422 AD to 1436 AD) constructed of Gawilgarh fort and made renewation in Narnala fort when he stayed at Elichpur. It means that the Narnala fort have constructed before Bahmani rule. Still it is not conform exactly when it is constructed as the concreate information not available anywhere.
Some historians have said that the Gond rules ruling over Melghat region constructed this fort (original owner). But this is also not supported by all the historian. Af
Narnala Fort, Melghat Tiger Reserve 13,9 км на север от Аколы - описание, координаты, фотографии, отзывы и возможность найти это место в Махараштре (Индия). Узнайте где находится, как добраться, посмотрите что интересного вокруг. Ознакомьтесь с другими местами на нашей интерактивной карте, получите более подробную информацию. Познайте мир лучше.
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карта Акота(3,5 км) карта Аколы(13,9 км) карта Patur(23,3 км) карта Telhara(24,4 км) карта harda(28,3 км) карта WASHIM(29,5 км) карта Daryapur Town(31,3 км) карта Balapur(34,9 км) карта Murtizapur(37,1 км)
City of farming community, city of dal mill, city of oil mill, city of cotton, and the city of KRISHI VIDYAPEETH are the modern nick names of the Akola.But in now the farmers of the Akola city less incomes and they tried and trying for the suisides, their by the city comes under the zones of SUSIDES AREASHope we people helps to our farmers and built up the confidence again for cultivation of farm for grain to uslets pray for the farmers of AkolaJai Hind
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