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Deolali Cantonment в Махараштре (Индия), описание и карта связанные воедино. Ведь Мы - места на карте мира. Узнайте шире, найдите больше. Находится 22,1 км на юго-восток от Нашика. Найдите интересные места вокруг, с фотографиями и отзывами. Ознакомьтесь на нашей интерактивной карте с местами вокруг, получите более подробную информацию, узнайте мир лучше.
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14.03.2025 00:42:05 * off - esd-
14.03.2025 00:42:05
когда-то давно Asmit hadkeip:5qooh4hd0
Deolali Camp is an important Indian military center. Deolali camp which is one of the oldest in India, is located 16 km away from Nasik. The center was set up by the British in 1861. An officer of the rank of Major General holds the position of the head of the Artillery school here. In the days of the British Raj, soldiers who cracked up under the stresses and strains of life in British India were invariably packed off to a military psychiatric hospital here to recover. Its name became synonymous with nervous breakdown; hence the English idiom "to go doolally", meaning to become insane or eccentric.
Deolali market is famous for shopping. In the Temple Hill nearby, there is a famous temple of Lord Khandoba.As deolali is also known for its atomosphere which is been known the coolest place as it always 1c lesser than of nasik Clean And Green TRY to visit u'll love the place.
когда-то давно Wankarip:5qooh4hd0
Paagal gam?
когда-то давно kishoreip:5qooh4hd0
school of artillery is headed by a liutenent general higher than a major general
когда-то давно sameer nikamip:5qooh4hd0
This is my fevorate place deolai camp at adke nagar...i love deolali
когда-то давно sameer nikamip:5qooh4hd0
Deolali Camp is an important Indian military center. Deolali camp which is one of the oldest in India, is located 16 km away from Nasik. The center was set up by the British in 1861. An officer of the rank of Major General holds the position of the head of the Artillery school here. In the days of the British Raj, soldiers who cracked up under the stresses and strains of life in British India were invariably packed off to a military psychiatric hospital here to recover. Its name became synonymous with nervous breakdown; hence the English idiom "to go doolally", meaning to become insane or eccentric.
Deolali market is famous for shopping. In the Temple Hill nearby, there is a famous temple of Lord Khandoba.As deolali is also known for its atomosphere which is been known the coolest place as it always 1c lesser than of nasik Clean And Green TRY to visit u'll love the place
когда-то давно RAJAN BHANDAREip:5qooh4hd0
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Deolali Camp is an important Indian military center. Deolali camp which is one of the oldest in India, is located 16 km away from Nasik. The center was set up by the British in 1861. An officer of the rank of Major General holds the position of the head of the Artillery school here. In the days of the British Raj, soldiers who cracked up under the stresses and strains of life in British India were invariably packed off to a military psychiatric hospital here to recover. Its name became synonymous with nervous breakdown; hence the English idiom "to go doolally", meaning to become insane or eccentric.
Deolali market is famous for shopping. In the Temple Hill nearby, there is a famous temple of Lord Khandoba.As deolali is also known for its atomosphere which is been known the coolest place as it always 1c lesser than of nasik Clean And Green TRY to visit u'll love the place.
Deolali Camp is an important Indian military center. Deolali camp which is one of the oldest in India, is located 16 km away from Nasik. The center was set up by the British in 1861. An officer of the rank of Major General holds the position of the head of the Artillery school here. In the days of the British Raj, soldiers who cracked up under the stresses and strains of life in British India were invariably packed off to a military psychiatric hospital here to recover. Its name became synonymous with nervous breakdown; hence the English idiom "to go doolally", meaning to become insane or eccentric.
Deolali market is famous for shopping. In the Temple Hill nearby, there is a famous temple of Lord Khandoba.As deolali is also known for its atomosphere which is been known the coolest place as it always 1c lesser than of nasik Clean And Green TRY to visit u'll love the place