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Ransi Gaon (Dist Jodhpur) - Narendra Singh S.Champawat 54,9 км на север от Удайпура - описание, координаты, фотографии, отзывы и возможность найти это место в Раджастхане (Индия). Узнайте где находится, как добраться, посмотрите что интересного вокруг. Ознакомьтесь с другими местами на нашей интерактивной карте, получите более подробную информацию. Познайте мир лучше.
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14.03.2025 18:57:21 * off - esd-
14.03.2025 18:57:21
когда-то давно dilipip:5qooh4hd0
we want many info of ransi gaon
когда-то давно Deepak Vaishnavip:5qooh4hd0
Nemichand Vaishnav
когда-то давно Champawat From Ransigaonip:5qooh4hd0
Jai Shyam G ki.
Looking over the net The place like RANSIGAON.
Narendar banna if possible put most important information.
i am eager to know more new happening in and around our beautiful Gaon.
Good Job.
Thank you.
Champawat from Ransi gaon
14 февраля 2021 Дядя степаip:5kmrhdd40
Jay Shyam ji ki sa
когда-то давно Snehalip:5qooh4hd0
Hello does anybody know who breeds Marwari horses in ransigoan. I heard that there is somebody breeds Marwari horses there. Name and contect info will be helpful. thanks
когда-то давно Champawatip:5qooh4hd0
Thank you for your quaries.
Bhanwar Sawai Singh Champawat belongs from thakur family of ransigaon. He is taking care of Horses and breed Marwari horses. its their Hobby and passion also. Every year many famous people visit their farm house including politician and stars to see the Marwari horses. The famous fair held anywhere in Rajasthan specially in Pushkar his horses participate and most of time win the prizes in various activity.
now when younger generation is running behind bikes and cars keeping the old rajputi tradation alive during this its very hard. We all are proud of him. but many people not aware about this and it cannot be so high.
i am confident that in future or coming time this village and Marwari horses breeded by Bhanwar Sawai singh ji will be famous not in rajasthan all over the world. i wish him all Good luck and whoever interested to see this beautiful place can visit ransigaon. Its connected by road from Jodhpur and ONLY 85 KM.
warm regards
Champawat from Ransigaon.
22 ноября 2011 Дядя степаip:8klpm8ll0
bhanwarsa doing really very good job..........i am jolly chapu bhuwasa's dougther
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карта Merta Road(19,6 км) карта Nagaur City(27,4 км) карта Kuchera Town(29,5 км) карта raipur(32,3 км) карта Amet(37 км) карта rajasamand lake(42,2 км) карта Sadari(51,5 км) карта Удайпура(54,9 км) карта Aap Bhi Pali Me Ho Vikas Rajpurohit(57,2 км)
It is our Town. my name is Tarun Kumar Sarswat, and my friend Name is Moti lal Rankawat. Kuchera is a beutyfull town. here is fames God tempels Bheroonath and Karant Bala ji. It is also surrund by Grate Tempels like chaturdasji Dham, Sukharam das ji Maharaj's phoh Dham, and Shree Ramdwvji's granttecher Gushai ji Maharaj.
for more ditel contect us :-
e-mail rekha1255@yahoo.co.in
Mobile NO. +919413062556 (
+919352076661 C. Parson:- Tarun Kumar
+919982593365 )
+919252904320(C. Parson :- Motilal)
I live in Raipur Tehsil, My Village name is Dhukalpura, it is near of Kot-Kirana Village. Plz analiys small village
Соседи покажут где что находится, как туда проехать, расскажут о достопримечательностях вокруг. Данный сайт свободно наполняется обычными людьми и Вы тоже можете принять участие в этом. Мы вместе создаем и дополняем нашу общую карту.
Jai Shyam G ki.
Looking over the net The place like RANSIGAON.
Narendar banna if possible put most important information.
i am eager to know more new happening in and around our beautiful Gaon.
Good Job.
Thank you.
Champawat from Ransi gaon
Thank you for your quaries.
Bhanwar Sawai Singh Champawat belongs from thakur family of ransigaon. He is taking care of Horses and breed Marwari horses. its their Hobby and passion also. Every year many famous people visit their farm house including politician and stars to see the Marwari horses. The famous fair held anywhere in Rajasthan specially in Pushkar his horses participate and most of time win the prizes in various activity.
now when younger generation is running behind bikes and cars keeping the old rajputi tradation alive during this its very hard. We all are proud of him. but many people not aware about this and it cannot be so high.
i am confident that in future or coming time this village and Marwari horses breeded by Bhanwar Sawai singh ji will be famous not in rajasthan all over the world. i wish him all Good luck and whoever interested to see this beautiful place can visit ransigaon. Its connected by road from Jodhpur and ONLY 85 KM.
warm regards
Champawat from Ransigaon.