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Описание fatehpur shekhawati в Раджастхане (Индия) и карта связаны воедино. Ведь Мы - места на карте мира. Узнайте шире, найдите больше. Находится недалеко от Churu. Найдите интересные места вокруг, с фотографиями и отзывами. Ознакомьтесь на нашей интерактивной карте с местами вокруг, получите более подробную информацию, узнайте мир лучше.
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03.02.2025 14:06:49 * off - esd-
03.02.2025 14:06:49
когда-то давно Shiv Mishraip:5qooh4hd0
Fatehpur Shekhwati, as and when I hear or read this word I always think abount my child hood whcih I have spent in this town. Belong to a middle class family, even thouhg always suffers financial problems I have enjoyed each and every movement of my child hood... I had very good friend (still they arr part of my life) Jugal Sharma, GD Bhatta, Madan Jandid, Om Rai, Pramod Saraf, Shubhash Ji Joshi, Late Somdeo Chomal.. we all played vollyball for out college and than for Fatehpur.. and later on Rajasthna State and Univercity.. The wounder full time I have spent of my life..
So wounderfull peoples , loyal friends and very good human being. I ma so lucky that I have borned at Fatehpur. Education, Culture, Social life... Sporst... just t=you name it you will find in this town... I remeber every well playing drum and tasa during Mouharam and attended many time marriges of our muslim frineds. We lived toghether as one family...
Mandir of Laskhminath Ji, Budhgiri Ji Maharj, all places if you visited once it will keep happy and healthy for the rest part of life.. We use to celebrate Eid / Deewali togethre.. there was no problem at all....
I wish that god can allow to live my child hood again for mone month in the same village....
Bawari of Fatehput.. and Fort are very old and historical places but no body is taking care of this.. there are lots of other historical places which is the asstes of the Rajasthn state should be taken care properly.
Youth of the town should be well trained so they can go for good government jobs,, (IAS// IPS etc.)...
Shiv Mishra
Dubai UAE
когда-то давно Shiv Mishra Dubai UAEip:5qooh4hd0
I have noticed that no one i rading this page as there is no comments afetr put my comments. That where we are behind from others. We should get the maximum benefit of the internet exploler to explore the information to improve our GK. I wish all the youth of Fatehpur a very doog luck... and wish that they shouls achieve the height where we could not reach due to the Financial problems.
Beleive in humanity and always try to do some thing whwre you can say that Fatehpur is your home....
If you need any guide line you can put rou comments here. I use to read this on weekly basis ans I will anser this..
Shiv Mishra Dubai UAE
когда-то давно Asolankiip:5qooh4hd0
Dear Mishra ji,
I also have the honour of being born in Fatehpur. I would like to know more about the history of the city. Can u help. Please
Abdulrahman Solanki
когда-то давно Shiv Mishraip:5qooh4hd0
Dear Mr. Solanki,
I will recomend some book to you where you will get the details of Fatehpur / Fort. It was capital of Nawab Fateh Khan. I will definately write you. I am sorry I could not answer this email as I was our of the country.
Best rergards & alway think about how we can help to delevop out city and the youth.
Shiv Mishra
когда-то давно faiz bakhedip:5qooh4hd0
i am from fathepur..beoparian mohalla...we have lots of people from fathepur living in UAE...yeah fathepur is a fantastic place with lot of history attached to it...check out a site called www.jamiatuae.com i think this site will eventually become very good.
And Mishraji we fathepurwalas dont lag behind any one...its only that we are busy making money(ha ha)
tk cr bye
faiz bakhed
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Карты поблизости
Похожие места
карта Churu(9,6 км) карта Gajanand Sharma Taranagar(20,5 км) карта sikar(21,1 км) карта Kuchaman city(27,6 км) карта Nawa City(28 км) карта Sambhar Salt Lake(29 км) карта Nawalgarh(33,5 км) карта Кишангарха(42,3 км)
Соседи покажут где что находится, как туда проехать, расскажут о достопримечательностях вокруг. Данный сайт свободно наполняется обычными людьми и Вы тоже можете принять участие в этом. Мы вместе создаем и дополняем нашу общую карту.
Fatehpur Shekhwati, as and when I hear or read this word I always think abount my child hood whcih I have spent in this town. Belong to a middle class family, even thouhg always suffers financial problems I have enjoyed each and every movement of my child hood... I had very good friend (still they arr part of my life) Jugal Sharma, GD Bhatta, Madan Jandid, Om Rai, Pramod Saraf, Shubhash Ji Joshi, Late Somdeo Chomal.. we all played vollyball for out college and than for Fatehpur.. and later on Rajasthna State and Univercity.. The wounder full time I have spent of my life..
So wounderfull peoples , loyal friends and very good human being. I ma so lucky that I have borned at Fatehpur. Education, Culture, Social life... Sporst... just t=you name it you will find in this town... I remeber every well playing drum and tasa during Mouharam and attended many time marriges of our muslim frineds. We lived toghether as one family...
Mandir of Laskhminath Ji, Budhgiri Ji Maharj, all places if you visited once it will keep happy and healthy for the rest part of life.. We use to celebrate Eid / Deewali togethre.. there was no problem at all....
I wish that god can allow to live my child hood again for mone month in the same village....
Bawari of Fatehput.. and Fort are very old and historical places but no body is taking care of this.. there are lots of other historical places which is the asstes of the Rajasthn state should be taken care properly.
Youth of the town should be well trained so they can go for good government jobs,, (IAS// IPS etc.)...
Shiv Mishra
Dubai UAE
I have noticed that no one i rading this page as there is no comments afetr put my comments. That where we are behind from others. We should get the maximum benefit of the internet exploler to explore the information to improve our GK. I wish all the youth of Fatehpur a very doog luck... and wish that they shouls achieve the height where we could not reach due to the Financial problems.
Beleive in humanity and always try to do some thing whwre you can say that Fatehpur is your home....
If you need any guide line you can put rou comments here. I use to read this on weekly basis ans I will anser this..
Shiv Mishra Dubai UAE
Dear Mishra ji,
I also have the honour of being born in Fatehpur. I would like to know more about the history of the city. Can u help. Please
Abdulrahman Solanki
Dear Mr. Solanki,
I will recomend some book to you where you will get the details of Fatehpur / Fort. It was capital of Nawab Fateh Khan. I will definately write you. I am sorry I could not answer this email as I was our of the country.
Best rergards & alway think about how we can help to delevop out city and the youth.
Shiv Mishra
i am from fathepur..beoparian mohalla...we have lots of people from fathepur living in UAE...yeah fathepur is a fantastic place with lot of history attached to it...check out a site called www.jamiatuae.com i think this site will eventually become very good.
And Mishraji we fathepurwalas dont lag behind any one...its only that we are busy making money(ha ha)
tk cr bye
faiz bakhed