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Hingarh Mohalla spreaded approx. 8 Lakh Sq.ft was built by Chandbhanji Hingarh (M/s Rikhabdas Sardarmal) first family of Rani-station & were main Nagar Seths of Rani-station & number one Umbrella Firm in Gaudwad. All descendants of Chandanbhanji used to reside at Hingarh mohalla from Last 150 years , for Rani-station was main business Hub during those days. Hingarhs Built Hingarh Hospital for benefit of Basic layman & donated same to Government. Today Chandanbhanji's descendants have migrated to Bombay , Vijaywada,USA,Tokyo,etc for future prospects.
Today few constructions are coming up by M/s Nakoda Builders
Hingarh Mohalla 17,3 км на юг от Aap Bhi Pali Me Ho Vikas Rajpurohit - описание, координаты, фотографии, отзывы и возможность найти это место в Раджастхане (Индия). Узнайте где находится, как добраться, посмотрите что интересного вокруг. Ознакомьтесь с другими местами на нашей интерактивной карте, получите более подробную информацию. Познайте мир лучше.
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карта Rani Village Rajasthan(2,8 км) карта bali(5,5 км) карта Sadari(9,6 км) карта Aap Bhi Pali Me Ho Vikas Rajpurohit(17,3 км) карта Sheoganj(31,7 км) карта Пиндвара(35,1 км) карта Удайпура(44,8 км) карта Khedbrahma(53,2 км) карта Джодхпура(54,6 км)
Rani Village is wonderful place but not small big enough :) when u will go there u will like to stay there u wont like coming back. There is beautiful jogmaya temple on magri which is heaven,man u will love it.There u can see peacocks dam gud man.When u go there its like typical village very silent u will feel relaxed frm stress.Just love it.
If you really want to know Bali, you have to go there. I was born and bought up there. I will never call it a city. It is a Town, and for me it's my Village. I would not want to remember my Home as a rat race called city. In Bali everyone got a minute to smile at you and to say "Ram Ram", which is what makes it home. Though most youngsters there won't understand that. :-)If you want to see Marwar region of Rajasthan, Bali is the place to be. You can go to various tourist attractions like Ranakpur, Nimboranath etc. But the real rajasthan is not at those commercialized places. I would say Hire a car from there. Go to Mucchala Mahaveer ji but pack your lunch (i think food there is only for jains). Go wonder about in Aravali Range. Go towards Nana-Beda. On the way to Udaipur, you can stop and have a look at the valley. Go to Parshuram ji, and ask someone to prepare your lunch there. You will never forget the Dal Bati Churma :DRemember there is more to Bali than the fort. I realized it after I went away from there.My name is not important. I am just someone who loves home.
Соседи покажут где что находится, как туда проехать, расскажут о достопримечательностях вокруг. Данный сайт свободно наполняется обычными людьми и Вы тоже можете принять участие в этом. Мы вместе создаем и дополняем нашу общую карту.
Для того чтобы посмотреть все обьекты есоседи потребуется примерно два года.
Направления: 2,8 км на ↘ от Rani Village Rajasthan 17,3 км на ↓ от Aap Bhi Pali Me Ho Vikas Rajpurohit 44,8 км на ↖ от Удайпура 54,6 км на ↓ от Джодхпура 111,8 км на ↑ от Old Ahmedabad
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