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home of my beautiful Igbo-bride in Nigeria
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Описание Asaba в Дельте (Нигерия) и карта связаны воедино. Ведь Мы - места на карте мира. Узнайте шире, найдите больше. Находится недалеко от Onitsha. Найдите интересные места вокруг, с фотографиями и отзывами. Ознакомьтесь на нашей интерактивной карте с местами вокруг, получите более подробную информацию, узнайте мир лучше.
Всего 3 редакций, последнее 9 лет назад сделано Kashey из Москвы
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29.01.2025 21:45:02 * off - esd-
29.01.2025 21:45:02
когда-то давно joe wolford, joe5955hotmip:5qooh4hd0
Hi stephan where do you live my email is joe5955@hotmail.com I am interested in going to Nigeria. I am also curious how you met your bride. Thank you joe
когда-то давно Infoip:5qooh4hd0
it's one of the most dangerous places in Nigeria because it's located in Delata Niger state wher the are kidnaping people nad even killing theme sometimes.Generaly all Nigeria is not safe at all except te North. By the way I'm in Nigeria 1 year and half ago and I'm working as a feild Ingeneer and the most advice I can give is no trust for anybody here, because money is teme god theme parents .... So it the worst place I have vist in my life.
когда-то давно Sunil Diwan Pune indiaip:5qooh4hd0
Hi,initially it was a very tough to stay in Asaba for a foreigner.But after alittle time was passed, it was a better and people are good,friendly. I remember my hosue in Ministry of Agric and my office on Nnebissi road opp First Bank. I have lost the contact with many friends, and with Jennifer.Though the robberies and looting is around every where, it does not happen to all.I never experienced in Asaba but experienced it in Lagos.
когда-то давно stefanip:5qooh4hd0
i married her in december 2006. i really feel blessed 2 have such a wife at my side. ... well - soon she'll leave asaba and nigeria to live with me abroad.
когда-то давно okosmozimoip:5qooh4hd0
I strongly disagree with the views aired by info. he should have mentioned his country of origin. terrible things happen all around the world on a daily basis. i think he has over flogged the issue. Nigeria is a very safe country. Listen to CNN and BBC dialy, all you hear of is fighting in different parts of the world, but down here, its relative peace. We urge as many of you that are wanting to come down, not to be misled by people like info. If its as bad as he paints it, why is he still in Nigeria?
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Карты других городов
карта Onitsha(5,5 км) карта Awka(36,3 км) карта Owerri State(78,2 км) карта Enugu(85,8 км) карта Aba Abia State(130,8 км) карта Бенин-сити(131,1 км) карта Warri Delta State(132,5 км) карта Abakaliki State(150,9 км)
Noteworthy indigenes of Nibo Town in Awka South include Engr John (Ifeatu) Moh, the former Chairman of the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) and Executive Director of the National Electrical Power Authority (NEPA). He is noted for his contributions to the power industry in Nigeria and the south eastern region. Nibo Town Union is lead by Architect David (Rob) Moh, Director of Masters & Moh (Architecture and Design) and former lead architect of the Federal Capital Territory design and construction project – Abuja City. He is noted for his work in developing the capital city of the nation and recent infrastructural and social developments in Awka South.
Nigerians please enact a national standard town development code.I am sure with a little help from experienced city planners,the example of the Abuja city can be replicated all over Nigeria.I love Nigeria!
please can anyone with useful information of exact coordinate readings of afrihub in unn campus
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