Slovak: The Belianske Tatras ( consist of 14 km long limestone mountain-comb situated parallel with the main High Tatras comb in the east-western direction. The both geologically different mountain-combs touch together at the Kopsk Saddle. The Belianske Tatras almost have not been influenced by glacier activity. We will not find here any moraines, rocky thresholds, terraces and huge crotches that are all so characteristic for the neighbouring mountain-comb. On the other hand, you will be certainly impressed by limestone and dolomite walls with steep slopes covered by grass and rich vegetation. diarska Vidla is the most dominant peak in the western part of the main comb (to the irok Saddle). The Havran peak (2151,5 m) is the highest peak in the Belianske Tatras. Unfortunately, like other peaks in this area, it is not accessible for tourists. Belianske Tatras is a natural carst area. You can find there a large number of caves, but not accessible for tourists. Belianska Cave situated above the settlement Tatransk Kotlina (Tatransk Basin), is the only cave open for public. From the settlement you can easily get to the chalet Plesnivec (1290 m), the only chalet in the Belianske Tatras. It is situated at the Buja vrch (Bull Hill). Despite the fact that there is no mountain-lake, this area is deemed to be the most beautiful and naturally the richest part of the Tatras region. The land is rich on calc as well as vegetation. Plesnivec alpnsky (Leontopodium alpinium) is the most typical. Local shepherds from the 14-th century were probably the very first visitors of these beautiful mountains. Wooden coal was burned and coppers as well as other metallic ores were mined here in the 17-th century. The majority of the Belianske Tatras area has been closed for public since 1978. The main reason was a protection of rare sorts of flora and fauna in this part of the National Park Reserve. Only Zadn Meodoly, Predn Meodoly and Dolina Siedmych prameov (Valley of Seven Springs) are open for tourists. The one-way tourist path through the Monkov dolina (Monkov Valley) connecting the village diar with irok and Kopsk Saddle has been open since 1993.
Belianske Tatras 103 км на юго-восток от Кракова - описание, координаты, фотографии, отзывы и возможность найти это место в Малопольском воеводстве (Польша). Узнайте где находится, как добраться, посмотрите что интересного вокруг. Ознакомьтесь с другими местами на нашей интерактивной карте, получите более подробную информацию. Познайте мир лучше.
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Культурное наследие: Музей посвящен жизни и творчеству Кароля Шимановского, одного из величайших польских композиторов mapquest driving directions. Образовательная роль: Музей служит важным центром изучения и популяризации музыкального наследия Шимановского.
Отличный парк, я его посещал в прошлом году, только очень долго ехать до него на автобусе, но был интернет и я про онлайн казино с выводом на карту сбербанк почитал потом попробовал поиграть, оказалось там крутые бонусы с низким вейджером и фриспинами, отличное место что бы скоротать время.
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