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Save Rosia Montana - Now!
Contest the Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
You can Change Rosia Montana's fate! The 'Save Rosia Montana' campaign needs your help to stop what if developed would be a catastrophic mining development. They need you to stop Europe's largest open cast cyanide leach gold mine from happening. The Romanian Government needs to hear your voice to take the right decision. Romania's ministry for the Environment is obliged to listen to everyone's concerns. This now and until the 25^th August 2006.
What's behind Gabriel Resources Rosia Montana mine proposal? The large scale open cast cyanide gold mine proposal at Rosia Montana is about preparing the grounds for an ecologic time bomb. Its preparation entails the destruction of: 5 Mountains, a unique cultural patrimony, 10 Churches, 12 Cemeteries and 958 farms. Locals refusing to make to the mining project are threatened with expropriation.
What's the 'Save Rosia Montana!' campaign all about? Learn about a 5 year-long struggle against destruction, corruption and greed. Due to indifference and incompetence the Romanian authorities have refused to listen to civil society's voice until now. All the while the procedure to evaluate the mine's environmental impact is already highly irregular and illegal. Locals from Rosia Montana have another vision about their future. Do you want to see what it looks like? Visit: www.rosiamontana.ro/index_en.shtml, www.fanfest.ro/, www.drumulaurului.ro/, www.buciumanii.ro/ and www.mindbomb.ro/.
NOW is the time to tell that you don't want all this destruction. Now is the time to tell that you don't want another disaster to happen! It's simple and only takes a couple of minutes:
* Sign and send a petition to Romania's Minister for the Environment and to the Romanian Embassy in your country.
* Send this action alert to your family, friends, network and discussion groups. Encourage them to take out the time to Save Rosia Montana!
* Participate in the public consultation
* Download the 'Save Rosia Montana' logo. Iron it on a T-shirt, make a stencil, print stickers or simply print it on a sheet of paper and post it in your window, or car or on your door - or anywhere else!
Don't let Rosia Montana die! People are more important than gold.
Rosia Montana в Албе (Румыния), описание и карта связанные воедино. Ведь Мы - места на карте мира. Узнайте шире, найдите больше. Находится 68,7 км на юго-запад от Клуж-напока. Найдите интересные места вокруг, с фотографиями и отзывами. Ознакомьтесь на нашей интерактивной карте с местами вокруг, получите более подробную информацию, узнайте мир лучше.
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Este si satul meu si al parintilor mei, al stramosilor dar oamenii de aici nu merita numai respect ci si dispretz.Chiar daca suntem EUROPENI aici "ceasurile merg altfel", furatul padurii si arsul rumegusului pe nserat este ceva la ordinea zilei.Mare pacat ca satelitul ce se afla deasupra localitatii nu poate da detaliile despre care vorbesc eu acum...Cum am spus eu acum vreo doi ani: de oamenii buni ma bucur, de cei rai ma feresc, dar ce fac cu prostii?
Poate mai are cineva vreo idee mai buna!
Связался с радиолюбителем из этого города! Очень хороший уровень сигнала.Всех благ!R1WBH.73!
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