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The natural background has a great and gorgeous variety, and it is presented through descriptions and pictures. From the mountains to the plain the river pass through the natural "theatre" made by mountains, hills and plains giving his values to man. In the end, the Cugir River goes into a full and beautiful crops field named "Cimpul Piinii". People lived here even before the first century, when in the historical documents revealed that there was a fortress named Singidava.
The beauties of the places give the possibility to develop the local tourism including the environment, the historical and cultural potential, the art and the folk-art, the places where the tourist can stay for a great journey or even more. Moreover, why not, to make and to improve the means of communication.
People can make trips around the Cugir town to Sebes Valley and Jiului Valley, because there are foot =traveling routs like:
6) Cugir- Prislop- Scirna- Cetatea Gradistea de Munte= Pestera Cioclovina.
If the tourists want to rest after the long and difficult trips, they will rest themselves into two big inns: Surianu and Prislop or to the people's houses. The so called "border people" are very hospitable with the foregners.
30000 inhabitants;
guns,machineguns, ammm. factories;
travel: by train or road.
Wiki: ru:Куджирen:Cugiruk:Куджирde:Cugir
CUGIR в Албе (Румыния), описание и карта связанные воедино. Ведь Мы - места на карте мира. Узнайте шире, найдите больше. Находится 82,8 км на запад от Сибиу. Найдите интересные места вокруг, с фотографиями и отзывами. Ознакомьтесь на нашей интерактивной карте с местами вокруг, получите более подробную информацию, узнайте мир лучше.
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Карты других городов
карта Алба-юлия(31,9 км) карта Petrila(39 км) карта Simeria(40,8 км) карта Petroani(41,5 км) карта Deva(53 км) карта Хунедоары(54 км) карта Aiud(60,4 км) карта Blaj(68,7 км)
Indeed. The place is now a barren land, not showing much of its "former glory". However, there are plans to rebuild the complex, although it might also serve other industries (factories, etc.). The main reason for gypsies vandalizing the place is actually the steel itself. They sell it to recycling centers. Incredibly, they evenscrap the plant itself (e.g. buildings, ovens), and it's not limited to this place. Entire factories have literally been taken down this way.
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