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Wiki: en:Petrom Brazi Power Station
PETROM Co. - Brazi Refinery недалеко от Ploieti Triaj - описание, координаты, фотографии, отзывы и возможность найти это место в Праховой (Румыния). Узнайте где находится, как добраться, посмотрите что интересного вокруг. Ознакомьтесь с другими местами на нашей интерактивной карте, получите более подробную информацию. Познайте мир лучше.
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карта Romneti(4,4 км) карта Ploieti Triaj(4,6 км) карта Strejnicu(9 км) карта Aerodromul Ploiesti Vest Strejnicu(9,1 км) карта Triceni(9,1 км) карта irna(9,4 км) карта Varnia(10,4 км) карта Poienarii Burchii(11,2 км) карта Trgoru Vechi(11,5 км)
Oras natal al personalitatilor Nicolae Iorga si Irina Loghin.
Obiective turistice: Muzeul Memorial Nicolae Iorga (casa locuita de acesta, contine tablouri pictate de membrii familiei Iorga, diverse fotografii si documente, arborele genealogic) - se pot cumpara vederi si brosuri.
Dispune de gara si autogara, un hotel si cel putin doua pizzerii si o cofetarie.
Was set up in 2005 once with the birth of Christian Luca, the son of the company’s associates. It aspires to be a serious, long-lasting company by seriousness, diversity and professionalism. Our success depends on the quality of the services we offer and that are willing to satisfy you. It will be very difficult. The Romanian people is not used to asking persons specialized in a definite field for help. Although it seems very hard, we will always tell you what we think. We all have the feeling that we are expert hand at everything. Unfortunately, we realize that after some time, but it may be too late mostly or we may have more to lose than in case we appeal to an expert. Why did Holy Father left the professions and those who practice them? Luca Estate Company disposes of specialized persons who will accomplish both the documentation needed for the land or building estrangement and the promotion part (on line advertising, signboards advertising though media etc.) Luca Estate Company is the first company in Ilfov-Dimbovita area which offers to its customers estate advertising services as it has signed contracts with all the main central and local daily papers.Our interest is that the owner of the company to manage it having taken over a company with well-prepared, serious staff, well-signed contracts and satisfied customers. Follow us and you will discover a company that widens its activity areas and develops the former ones. We can succeed only together. LET’S GO!www.companiaimobiliara.ro
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