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A beautiful mountain with a distinct peak, which makes it quite unique. There is a small chapel on the very top of it and you can tell it's there from wherever you look. A lot of mysterious tales are told about Rtanj, local people will tell you about red balls flashing in the night, supposedly aliens visiting the mountain, which is, according to some, full of tunnels and serves as some kind of an alien base on Earth.
Wiki: ru:Ртань (гора)en:Rtanjde:Rtanj
Rtanj 1565m 45,5 км на север от Ниш - описание, координаты, фотографии, отзывы и возможность найти это место в Заечарском округе Центральной Сербии (Сербия). Узнайте где находится, как добраться, посмотрите что интересного вокруг. Ознакомьтесь с другими местами на нашей интерактивной карте, получите более подробную информацию. Познайте мир лучше.
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29.01.2025 22:33:48
когда-то давно pedamucicip:5qooh4hd0
Mt. Rtanj is also known as the Serbian Mt. Olimp, refering to Mt Olimp in Greece. On clear day from the summit you can see the Danube river with the naked eye.
когда-то давно Travel Portal Serbiaip:5qooh4hd0
Planina Rtanj predstavlja poslednju planinu u spletu Karpata, jednog od tri najveca planinska masiva u Evropi [Alpi, Stara Planina i Karpati]. Udaljenost od Stare planine svega 60 km [Knjazevac], za Istocnu Srbiju i Zajecarski okrug predstavljaju svojevrsni brend domacih i medjunarodnih poseta, a sve to da bi se videli i doziveli planine ova dva masiva. "Vrata Balkana" predstavljaju pravu marketingsku cigru turistickih agencija Istocne Srbije, pa tako se cesto mogu videti mnogi inostrani lovci, koji svoje odmore provode loveci na jednom od pomenutih planina. Izleti na Rtanj, na njegov najvisi vrh siljak [1560] jedna je od najtrazenijih uspomena za svakoga koji posecuje ove krajeve. Na juznim padinama siljka, u jednoj vecoj vrtaci, nalazi se Ledenica. Duboka je oko 60 metara i ispunjena ledom koji se u toku leta koristi za pojenje stoke.
когда-то давно Travel Portal Serbiaip:5qooh4hd0
Type of service: national food of professional cockers, and vegetarian kitchen. Hotel serve for breakfast traditional food of mountain Rtanj.
Tourism complex hotel Rtanj-Balasevic organizes professional sport events: volleyball, basketball, mini football, and tennis. Also, hotel has special offer for organization of labor sport games for small, medium or big enterprise, organization of seminars or congress with professional service of language translators, using modern high information technology.
In Tourism complex hotel Rtanj-Balasevic you can come on family weekend or you can organize seminar or smaller congress. From the part of tourism offer of arrangement, Tourism complex hotel Rtanj-Balasevic organize recreation course and daily picnic:
Recreation activities:
- Ascension on Rtanj pike,
- Vintage of Rtanj tea,
- Hunting on savage pig, pheasant, rabbit, and wolf,
- Organization of sport events - tennis cup,
- Biking, paragliding
Daily picnic to:
- Minster Lozica [10km],
- Minster Lapusnja [15km] or 40 min walking,
- Minster Krepicevci [8km] or 30 min walking,
- Church Sv. Ilije in Boljevac [7km].
Tourism complex hotel Rtanj-Balasevic becomes true tourism story. Rtanj is last mountain of Carpathians massive, and on the only 60 km beginning another biggest mounting massive in Europe, Stara planina [Balkan], which means that location of Tourism complex hotel Rtanj-Balasevic is in the area of "Door of Balkan". Complex is located on the main road Paracin-Zajecar, 7km from Boljevac, 24km from Spa Sokobanja, 40 km from Zajecar, 40 km from Paracin and motorway, and 200 km from Belgrade.
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карта Boljevac(9,3 км) карта Sokobanja(12,7 км) карта Aleksinac(31,9 км) карта Бора(40 км) карта Zajecar(42,7 км) карта Knjaevac(43,8 км) карта Svrljig(44,1 км) карта Ниш(45,5 км) карта agubica(45,9 км)
Sokobanja is the most popular destination in Serbia. It is famouse for waterfall Ripaljka, Turkish bath, mideval fortress Sokograd, and termo-mineral springs.
Ispravka komentara: Durlan je urbano naselje u Niu i ne naseljavaju ga samo seljaci, ve je meavina naroda i mentaliteta.
Соседи покажут где что находится, как туда проехать, расскажут о достопримечательностях вокруг. Данный сайт свободно наполняется обычными людьми и Вы тоже можете принять участие в этом. Мы вместе создаем и дополняем нашу общую карту.
Type of service: national food of professional cockers, and vegetarian kitchen. Hotel serve for breakfast traditional food of mountain Rtanj.
Tourism complex hotel Rtanj-Balasevic organizes professional sport events: volleyball, basketball, mini football, and tennis. Also, hotel has special offer for organization of labor sport games for small, medium or big enterprise, organization of seminars or congress with professional service of language translators, using modern high information technology.
In Tourism complex hotel Rtanj-Balasevic you can come on family weekend or you can organize seminar or smaller congress. From the part of tourism offer of arrangement, Tourism complex hotel Rtanj-Balasevic organize recreation course and daily picnic:
Recreation activities:
- Ascension on Rtanj pike,
- Vintage of Rtanj tea,
- Hunting on savage pig, pheasant, rabbit, and wolf,
- Organization of sport events - tennis cup,
- Biking, paragliding
Daily picnic to:
- Minster Lozica [10km],
- Minster Lapusnja [15km] or 40 min walking,
- Minster Krepicevci [8km] or 30 min walking,
- Church Sv. Ilije in Boljevac [7km].
Tourism complex hotel Rtanj-Balasevic becomes true tourism story. Rtanj is last mountain of Carpathians massive, and on the only 60 km beginning another biggest mounting massive in Europe, Stara planina [Balkan], which means that location of Tourism complex hotel Rtanj-Balasevic is in the area of "Door of Balkan". Complex is located on the main road Paracin-Zajecar, 7km from Boljevac, 24km from Spa Sokobanja, 40 km from Zajecar, 40 km from Paracin and motorway, and 200 km from Belgrade.