Zavety Ilyicha
LOCATION: Postavaya Bay between the cities of Sovetskaya Gavan and Vanino
SUBORDINATION: Ministry of Defense
This facility began as a conventional submarine base, but docks and necessary equipment were installed in the early 1980s for handling nuclear submarines. In 1982, four first-generation nuclear submarines (two November and two Echo I SSNs, built in 1959, 1960, 1962, and 1963, respectively) were transferred to Zavety Ilyicha and began operating out of the base during the ice-free months. These four submarines were retired in 1990, and the facility has since then served primarily as a holding area for decommissioned nuclear and diesel submarines.[1,2] However, some of the reactors on the decommissioned nuclear submarines hold damaged spent fuel, and Russia is ill-equipped to deal with this fuel.[5]
In the summer of 1990, local residents conducted demonstrations to protest government plans to offload nuclear fuel from the decommissioned submarines in the bay and to store the hulls at the base. These plans were canceled, and the Pacific Fleet committed itself to removing one nuclear submarine from Zavety Ilyicha per year beginning in 1991. The first was removed in October 1993.[1] As of 1995, however, three still remained at the facility.[2]
In mid-1997, Rensselaer Lee reported in an article in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists that 7kg of HEU was stolen from Zavety Ilyicha in January 1996 and that 2.5kg of the same material later appeared at a metals trading firm in Kaliningrad.[3] Lee subsequently noted in another publication that the material allegedly taken from Zavety Ilyicha was spent fuel, not fresh.[4] Given the history of activities at the base, especially the fact that defueling activities were at one point scheduled to take place here, any material at the base or diverted from it would likely be spent fuel. There are no other reports available in the open literature that confirm the type of material or that a diversion of material ever occurred here. (For more information on nuclear smuggling cases, please see the NIS Trafficking Database.)
Zavety Ilyicha Russian Naval Base в Заветах Ильиче - описание, координаты, фотографии, отзывы и возможность найти это место в Хабаровском крае (Россия). Узнайте где находится, как добраться, посмотрите что интересного вокруг. Ознакомьтесь с другими местами на нашей интерактивной карте, получите более подробную информацию. Познайте мир лучше.
- Я придумаю себе ник → руины бассейнаА кто служил на К-151 с 1983 по 1986
- Дмитрий Дюдин → Порт-Артурская , 10Я тут жил)))
- Картограф → ул.порт-артурская, 12как ни странно я там не живу.
- олег владимирович → Приморский Бульвар д.3я жил в П.б.1 в 10 квартире с1988 по 1994
- triton33 → фрегат Паллада нынеЯ не из москвы, из Сибири
- Картограф → ул. Октябрьска дом 9там все дома военными построены,ПРИШЛОСЬ ПОЖИТЬ.
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