Russian Road-mobile Icbm Nuclear Missile Base Ss-25 Topel M
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This MUST be a road mobile intercontinental nuclear ballistic missile base (ICBM) from the 33rd Guards Missile Army (GMA) headquartered in Omsk. This is probably the
Novosibirsk: 39th Guards Missile Division (GMD) based at Novosibirsk-95, Pashino, and Gvardeiskiy. This divisin is armed with x45 RT-2PM, SS-25 Topel M, (Nato code: SICKLE).
As of August 2006, I see x9 missile launchers outside their x9 protective housing with their roofs slid open. Is this for cleaning? Is this to comply with nuclear weapons inspections? Is this for a drill? Nuclear experts please answer.
Answer: See
Russian Road-mobile Icbm Nuclear Missile Base Ss-25 Topel M 13 км на север от Новосибирска - описание, координаты, фотографии, отзывы и возможность найти это место в Новосибирской области (Россия). Узнайте где находится, как добраться, посмотрите что интересного вокруг. Ознакомьтесь с другими местами на нашей интерактивной карте, получите более подробную информацию. Познайте мир лучше.
Новосибирский государственный академический театр оперы и балета– 39,1 км
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Тут все отзывы - к месту. А регистрация - по желанию.
02.02.2025 13:11:26 * off - esd-
02.02.2025 13:11:26
когда-то давно JamesVZip:5qooh4hd0
I believe what has been captured is known as "cooperative measures." In the START treaty, article 12 states:
1. To enhance the effectiveness of national technical means of verification, each Party shall, if the other Party makes a request in accordance with paragraph 1 of Section V of the Notification Protocol, carry out the following cooperative measures:
(a) a display in the open of the road-mobile launchers of ICBMs located within restricted areas specified by the requesting Party. The number of road-mobile launchers of ICBMs based at the restricted areas specified in each such request shall not exceed ten percent of the total number of deployed road-mobile launchers of ICBMs of the requested Party, and such launchers shall be contained within one ICBM base for road-mobile launchers of ICBMs. For each specified restricted area, the roofs of fixed structures for road-mobile launchers of ICBMs shall be open for the duration of a display. The road-mobile launchers of ICBMs located within the restricted area shall be displayed either located next to or moved halfway out of such fixed structures.
когда-то давно guestip:5qooh4hd0
ss-25 is not a TOPOL-M it is just TOPOL, and TOPOL-M is SS-27
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I believe what has been captured is known as "cooperative measures." In the START treaty, article 12 states:
1. To enhance the effectiveness of national technical means of verification, each Party shall, if the other Party makes a request in accordance with paragraph 1 of Section V of the Notification Protocol, carry out the following cooperative measures:
(a) a display in the open of the road-mobile launchers of ICBMs located within restricted areas specified by the requesting Party. The number of road-mobile launchers of ICBMs based at the restricted areas specified in each such request shall not exceed ten percent of the total number of deployed road-mobile launchers of ICBMs of the requested Party, and such launchers shall be contained within one ICBM base for road-mobile launchers of ICBMs. For each specified restricted area, the roofs of fixed structures for road-mobile launchers of ICBMs shall be open for the duration of a display. The road-mobile launchers of ICBMs located within the restricted area shall be displayed either located next to or moved halfway out of such fixed structures.