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Так бывает - не все имеет описание. Для карты важны название и координаты. Места на нашей карте создаются и наполняются обычными людьми. Вы и сами можете изменить или дополнить информацию на этой странице. Этим поможете людям лучше узнать о мире вокруг.
Подробная карта и описание Днепропетровской области в (Украина) неразврывно связанные друг с другом. Найдите города, интересные места, и море другой информации. Ознакомьтесь на нашей интерактивной карте с местами вокруг, получите более подробную информацию, узнайте мир лучше.
Тут все отзывы - к месту. А регистрация - по желанию.
28.01.2025 04:16:39 * off - esd-
28.01.2025 04:16:39
17 марта 2015 Днепропeтровскip:353lqp680
Renting in Dnepropetrovsk | Печать |
Do you need accommodation in Dnepropetrovsk? web-portal of apartments rent in Dnepropetrovsk. We offer up-to-date database of properties for renting with pictures and detailed information. New apartments are added on a daily basis.
Please feel free to request additional photos if you get interested in any property.
Also please notice there are not all propositions listed at the website. If you don't find what you are looking for, please contact us email form dnepr.rent.dp.ua@GMail.com
In addition to that, you can provide us with the list of your requirements (e.g. location, renovation, lifestyle criteria etc.) via email , so we will find what suits you the best.
Transportation within the city is available if need be.
Our service charge is a one-time payment equal to 50% of monthly fee paid by tenant. Please be informed you must not give any money before signing the agreement.
You also need to pay 1 month bond for any rental property. The full bond will be returned to you once you have vacated unless there are any repairs, damage, cleaning or rental monies owed to the landlord.
The bond can be used in lieu of rent up to your vacating date.ct us.
The city of Dnipropetrovsk (Ukr.) or Dnepropetrovsk (Rus.) is situated on the Dnieper River (Dnepr or Dnipro) in East-Central Ukraine (look World map and Ukraine map), and has a population of 1.04 million (third city in the country by population). Large and beautiful, it is the main city of East-Central Ukraine.
However all of Central Avenue, some street-blocks on the main hill (the Nagornaya part) between Pushkina Prospekt and Embankment, and sections near Globy and Shevchenka parks have been untouched for 150 years. The Karl Marks Prospekt is the main trade artery of the city. There are plenty of shops and cafes of different sizes and for different income levels. The abundance of trade points can be observed also in several streets and squares contiguous to the Karl Marx Prospekt in the area around the Central Department Store (TSUM-Passage) - the biggest market place in the city.
ShevchenkaPark, river beaches and islands are the favorite places of most of the townspeople. During the summer there are a great number of cafes along the wide Dnieper River (1 km. width approx.), on main Globy Central Park streets, and in the parks.
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карта Авиаторского(14,9 км) карта Солона(15,5 км) карта Старі Кодаки(19 км) карта Днепра(22,2 км) карта Подгородного(27,2 км) карта Сурсько-михайлівка(28,8 км) карта Спаськи(32,9 км) карта Запорожья(39,2 км) карта Новомосковска(42,1 км)
увидела свое скороходово и сердце затрепетало 50 лет назад я уехала из скороходово из миной украины и дорогой моему сердцу в скороходово похоронен мой отей и когда будет мир и покой я обязательно приеду к нему на могилу
Соседи покажут где что находится, как туда проехать, расскажут о достопримечательностях вокруг. Данный сайт свободно наполняется обычными людьми и Вы тоже можете принять участие в этом. Мы вместе создаем и дополняем нашу общую карту.
Renting in Dnepropetrovsk | Печать |
Do you need accommodation in Dnepropetrovsk? web-portal of apartments rent in Dnepropetrovsk. We offer up-to-date database of properties for renting with pictures and detailed information. New apartments are added on a daily basis.
Please feel free to request additional photos if you get interested in any property.
Also please notice there are not all propositions listed at the website. If you don't find what you are looking for, please contact us email form dnepr.rent.dp.ua@GMail.com
In addition to that, you can provide us with the list of your requirements (e.g. location, renovation, lifestyle criteria etc.) via email , so we will find what suits you the best.
Transportation within the city is available if need be.
Our service charge is a one-time payment equal to 50% of monthly fee paid by tenant. Please be informed you must not give any money before signing the agreement.
You also need to pay 1 month bond for any rental property. The full bond will be returned to you once you have vacated unless there are any repairs, damage, cleaning or rental monies owed to the landlord.
The bond can be used in lieu of rent up to your vacating date.ct us.
The city of Dnipropetrovsk (Ukr.) or Dnepropetrovsk (Rus.) is situated on the Dnieper River (Dnepr or Dnipro) in East-Central Ukraine (look World map and Ukraine map), and has a population of 1.04 million (third city in the country by population). Large and beautiful, it is the main city of East-Central Ukraine.
park-globy-dnepropetrovskriver Dniepermonastrirsky-ostrov-dnepropetrovsk rent-flat-in-dnepropetrovsk
However all of Central Avenue, some street-blocks on the main hill (the Nagornaya part) between Pushkina Prospekt and Embankment, and sections near Globy and Shevchenka parks have been untouched for 150 years. The Karl Marks Prospekt is the main trade artery of the city. There are plenty of shops and cafes of different sizes and for different income levels. The abundance of trade points can be observed also in several streets and squares contiguous to the Karl Marx Prospekt in the area around the Central Department Store (TSUM-Passage) - the biggest market place in the city.
ShevchenkaPark, river beaches and islands are the favorite places of most of the townspeople. During the summer there are a great number of cafes along the wide Dnieper River (1 km. width approx.), on main Globy Central Park streets, and in the parks.
City Statistic Dnepropetrovsk